Clark County School District’s New Pipeline
It’s 10 a.m., do you know who is talking to your child about sex?
The Truth Curmudgeon Reveals Two Years of Investigating CCSD’s Transgender Protocol and Clark County’s Major Players In Their Genital Mutilation Experiment
21 year old de-transitioning girl after starting cross-sex hormones at the age of sixteen.
Las Vegas, NV February 16, 2023
The Clark County School District, in 2018, chose to facilitate the sex change affirmation of its schoolchildren when they were in vulnerable stages and often confused about gender. The District erected a set of regulations and rules to usher children into gender-affirming environments. These environments are molded perfectly for causing social contagion, which begins the process of transgender conversion therapy within the school halls of the greater Las Vegas area.
As seen in nationwide stories, many impressionable children, once they are in such a gender-affirming environment, are led into castration in one form or another. This is not only harmful to our children but is downright abuse of their sexual health.
Laura Hernandez, the founder of Nevada Alliance for Student Diversity, more aptly called Nevada Alliance for Sexual Disfigurement, boasts about having her son, at the age of eleven, change his sex, according to NASD’s website. The website also states she and her alliance of gender-grooming staff have assisted Governor Sisolak and the radicalized Democrats in the State legislature to create the legal machination to duplicate her child genitalia mutilation among hundreds of Las Vegas area children confused about their sex.
Laura Hernandez has helped CCSD, in essence, create a gender conversion therapy protocol, or gender-grooming, as many concerned parents across the nation now recognize it to be.
This neo-sex education that features gender indoctrination is considered by many in the medical community to be a pseudoscientific practice; it includes everything from pseudo-therapy sessions to physical or chemical castration and genital mutilation. And there are no scientific studies that back their aggressive claim that rapid onset gender dysphoria should be treated with experimental drugs and surgeries, the long-term harmful side effects no one can possibly know.
This is why I challenge, with this article’s publication, Ms. Hernandez and/or CCSD Superintendent Jesus Jara to a public debate over the scientific evidence used to conclude that genital mutilation of minor children is a good thing when the United Kingdom, Sweden, and recently, the state of Utah, have banned or are reevaluating the evidence that proves gender-affirming care is the proper medical treatment for minors with rapid onset gender dysphoria.
Confused, ignorant, and/or cruelly political parents have also colluded with or were seduced into sacrificing their children for this false and damaging cause. They may come to the school or go directly to groups like NASD about their child’s gender confusion; they are then provided with the perfect set of lies and an overwhelming atmosphere of gender-switching affirmation that sweeps minor children off their feet.
NASD proceeds to offer gender counseling and most importantly, a Soviet-style behavior monitor is provided to accompany the minor student and ensure medical providers and the student obey the political mandates of their trans conversion therapy to the “final solution.”
Mike Barton is the CCSD cabinet member in charge of the premature sexualization of schoolchildren. He has been preparing the District for this for a long time. Mr. Barton, with the aid of Brandon Moeller, also set up the administrative structure of the school Board’s regulations before the District adopted the radical practice of facilitating gender-grooming in 2018.
Nationwide, we are seeing that children, 85% or more who are girls, being shaped and funneled into a genital mutilating mechanism by public school districts and even some private schools. That is why we are seeing school parents and concerned citizens rising up and confronting their school boards nationwide.
School parents cannot stand the idea that their children are being indoctrinated so radically that sexual boundaries on school grounds have been removed. This is how the Louden County School District trans boy raped two girls on school grounds with full knowledge of the school Board that covered up the rapes.
The first girl’s father became angry at the Board during a meeting, and the crowd baited him, so the District had the cops throw him to the ground, arrest him, and remove him from the meeting.
The camera shots of him being mauled by the District cops were used for weeks to claim domestic terrorist parents were seeking to harm school board members, Joe Biden’s outrageous lie.
School officials in that county who covered up the two rapes are looking at prison time, with their new Governor opening a criminal investigation and the school parents publicly demanding all seven Board members resign for their role in the cover-up.
Here is a picture of the 15 year old who committed multiple sexual assaults, including in the girls' bathroom, in Loudoun County, wearing a "kitten" choker with rainbow socks and standing in front of an array of LGBTQ flags. (via Daily Mail)
Today, thanks to meddling, facilitating government officials like Mike Barton, CCSD Superintendent Jesus Jara, and nearly every Board member, and allies like the radicalized teachers’ union CCEA, NASD, and similar groups across the nation and globe, thousands of children and young adults are de-transitioning.
Just look at the subreddit for de-transitioners; over 40,000 members are discussing the trauma and their recovery from being subjected to the transgender conversion therapy of social media, school district gender-grooming, and governmental organizations.
They recognize they were lied to and deceived and that the promises of unicorn rainbows were merely pipe dreams. Then there is the voice of Joe Biden and that ridiculous Rachel Levine in a military uniform demanding Americans sacrifice their children as if the two officials were the high priests of a puberty-crushing cult.
Quote from President Biden and his administrator, followed by one from the de-transitioners’ subreddit:
Biden told transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney: “I don’t think any state or anybody should have the right to do that [to restrict children from genital mutilation practices]. As a moral question or as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong,”
Levine in a military suit lying to NPR:
“There is no argument among medical professionals – pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. – about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care…”
And compare their fatuous statements to this poor girl’s subreddit post made the day of this writing:
Every day is just a survival for me.
Every day I'm trying my best to not commit "sooicide" because my life is a prison and I don't know how many years more I'll spend in there. I'm 24, my social life is zero, I don't have anyone to talk to, let alone to have relationship with. I can't understand why me and why so much suffering. The day I realized I'm not trans I thought it would bring me some relief and soothe my anxiety, but it just worsened it, cuz now I'm dysphoric about my disgusting deep voice, my viking beard, being a tall gorilla and not having any chance of being socialized.
These poor souls with mutilated bodies are waking up to the lies of gender ideology and are trying to restore dignity to their castrated, sterile bodies. But the corporate media shills censor the mention of their existence and silence their lonely, agonized voices.
While CCSD School Board President Evelyn Garcia Morales, the other board Trustees, Superintendent Jesus Jara, and the district administration may disclaim responsibility for any genital mutilations that occur in their schools as if they were Pontius Pilate blithely washing his hands of the sordid affair, the shirking of responsibility is impossible to ignore.
Last year, in the inaugural year of CCSD’s transgender protocol, the District had nearly 200 schoolchildren on formal plans of support to change their sex. Two students were as young as seven years of age.
This year the District has chosen to cover up how many students have been gender-groomed and seek to mutilate their genitalia. They chose to keep Southern Nevada school parents in the dark about what is happening to their children with a specious complaint about student privacy.
What is CCSD trying to cover up? I requested no personal information that could be traced to any student. The NASD did communicate through a local reporterette their “anger and disturbance” at me for exposing their participation in helping CCSD gender-groom nearly 200 schoolchildren.
I responded by asking what science, beyond political science, makes destroying children’s genitalia a good thing. I asked them if they have considered the outrage of hundreds of thousands of parents and grandparents like me in Clark County who don’t want 2nd grade students learning how they can magically change into the opposite sex.
Why does the NASD express anger and disturbance when the truth about schoolchildren is made public? How long will Southern Nevada school parents allow their children to be open to being abused in the schoolrooms, bathrooms, and locker rooms of Clark County? Why are they keeping parents in the dark this year? Does the District think it is above the law?
They certainly behave as if they feel superior to school parents and concerned citizens. This year, the District may have facilitated the grooming of 300, perhaps 500 schoolchildren, who knows?
Reasonable people could assume that we have anywhere from ten to one hundred minor children in Clark County who have already begun permanent and experimental gender-affirming harm with either chemical castration drugs, top surgeries, or perhaps even bottom surgeries.
More will be revealed as parents gain the courage to speak out. This is an established social contagion fostered by the pernicious facilitation of school districts across the country as Abigail Shrier wrote about in her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.
How long will the citizens of Clark County suffer from this governmental assault on the family? How soon can we expect Child Protective Services to take physical custody of Clark County schoolchildren if their parents are uncooperative with the District’s plans for genital mutilation, as they already have begun doing in California, our very near neighbor?
Read the words of Abigail Martinez of California, speaking at an event on March 7, 2022, whose daughter was taken by the State and pushed towards transitioning for her depression problems but then committed suicide in September 2019 shortly after transitioning:
Abigail Martinez who lost her daughter to suicide after transgender conversion therapy speaks out:
“I want everyone to know the truth about what happened to our family because it didn’t have to happen. And because I didn’t want it to happen, I don’t want this to happen to any other family, no other mom deserves to suffer this or to go through all this pain. This pain doesn’t have a name. . . I cannot describe this pain—when you lose a child there is no name and even when you breathe, it hurts. There is a lot of pain. Thank you so much for hearing my story.”
Abigail Martinez’s video testimony
The online testimony of perpetrators, victims, eyewitnesses, journalists, and the public documentation of the District facilitating school interventions that can lead to sex changes plainly shows that the Clark County School District has erected a school-to-castration clinic pipeline.
Timothy Underwood, a grandfather, disabled Navy veteran, and longtime Las Vegas resident is the founder of Excellence for the Children of CCSD. For concerns about CCSD and student indoctrination contact us at